Thursday, 12 January 2012

Movie Review: The Social Network

  Many people have their own Facebook accounts . Most of these people are a part of this network because it has has so many possibilities for communicating with others and making your self known in a fast way. Some of the advantages when using Facebook is that you can for one communicate with others, without paying these awful long distance bills on your phone. You can also form new bonds with people in foreign countries that you would never have been able to reach before. The movie the Social Network is one that gives a summary of how Facebook came into existence, which makes it an irresistible film for people who utilize any form of social networking. It is a film filled with drama, reality and inspiration.

  The film stars include Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg), Eduardo Savren (Andrew Garfield) and Erica Allbright (Rooney Mara). Mark is a student at Harvard University studying computer programming. He is discovered by a group of students from Harvard in the hopes of helping them create a computer site that would revolutionize the entire world of Social Networking. Mark takes their idea and perfects it on his own, making it his own official site called Facebook. This then leads to problems that ensue.

  The film the Social Network has a convincing version of reality, as it is based on a true story. This makes it appealing for those who prefer films with events that are realistic and that could happen in every day life. This component also brings credibility to the film because it would allow people to enjoy how much quality is in it. The acting in the movie is also done very effectively, in terms of creating lots of emotion and drama throughout the film to help keep the viewer interested,(eg.) when Eduardo walks angrily towards Mark and smashes his computer on his desk after hearing that he is no longer part of the company.

  This film follows the form of a dramatic film genre because of all the intensity within the acting and the exaggeration of emotions that occurs frequently. It is a successful example of this category because it includes lots of scenes filled with emotion, for instance when the Winkelvosse's receive the news that Mark has made his site available world-wide . Another good example is when Erica and Mark breakup in the pub. The film makers have followed our expectations by creating a film that never losses the attention from the audience . They have done this by creating lots of dramatic scenes and by having new problems that arise throughout. This causes the film to appeal to a large audience in general.

The film itself sends many messages about our world in that it portrays how business works, (eg.) when Mark's company receives offers from other companies to improve the site, like when Sean Parker offers to help him become more profitable with his site. These ideas are valid to the film because they show how real successful businesses like Facebook get where they are.

  Audiences intended for this film would be any Facebook users. The audience would enjoy this film because it is based on Facebook , the site most people use and how it came be making it greatly interesting for the intended audience.

  In conclusion this film is one that creates a convincing version of reality, contains lot's of drama and gives a good sense of what they say what real business function like. I would strongly recommend any Facebook user watch this film.  

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